Thursday, April 15, 2010

multicast vsheme

In the second chapter, we introduce a multicast vsheme on the c-HyLabs network which is called circle-based HyLabs multicast vsheme.In the first; we introduce the basic muticast vsheme and its implementation on the circle-based HyLabs network.Then we introduce cheap polo shirts virtual topology design; the node design and implementation are also illustrated。Simulation results show that circle-based HyLabs multicast vsheme utilizes the high transmission efficiency of OCS technology without sacrificing the ability of accommodating bursty traffic, and circle-based Hylabs multicast vsheme performs better than OBS multicast vsheme in terms of packet loss probability and best clothes blog packet latancy.In the last part, we present a heuristive method to find a vs node which can improve the discount wedding prom dresses perfornabce of network.In the third chapter, we introduce another multicast vsheme called tree-based HyLabs multicast vsheme.In the first; we introduce the basic muticast vsheme and its implementation, the virtual topology design is also involved. Simulation results show that tree-based HyLabs multicast vsheme utilizes the high transmission efficiency of OCS technology without dresses 1std sacrificing the wedding dresses 2nd ability of accommodating bursty traffic, and tree-based c-Hylabs multicast vsheme performs better than OBS multicast vsheme in terms of packet loss probability and packet latancy。In the last part, we present a heuristive method to find a vs node which can improve the perfornabce of network.To verify and evaluate the switching technology in the previous chapter, an optical network simulation platform has been developed using OPNET tool.In Chapter 4, we will brief the framework of the platform, and the designation and data structures of different modules are given too.